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Rusu, Elisei & Adriana
Mar 11, 2022

Elisei & Adriana, Rusu

Pray for physical, spiritual, and mental  protection for the children displaced by this war: Some mothers are telling their young children  that they’re “going on vacation.” They will need God’s protection to face the truth. 

Pray for provision for physical needs. The temperature in Romania is around 20 degrees F.  many refugees fled without adequate clothes for the cold.

Pray that our guests would open their hearts to the love of Christ. Pray that we will meet not only physical needs but also their spiritual needs. 

Pray for the people of Ukraine, Romanian, and Moldova. Some worry about the stability of the nuclear facilities now in Russian control, and the chemical attack Russia is preparing to use against the Ukrainian people. Many have lost hope and fear is rampant.

Lastly, pray for the teaching at the Timotheus Bible Institute, preaching and encouraging God's people to trust the Lord and counseling families in crisis.


Thank you for all your prayers and financial support. You are a blessing for all: refugees,  volunteers, and us as we serve the Lord.