William MacDonald's Commentary in French for e-Sword

     It has been an honor to work with an international team we call ESB (E-Sword Books) since the year 2000.  Jean-Paul Burgat, who is now with the Lord, signed off the copyright of the French translation for me to put it into electronic interactive format.  My idea was to fulfill William MacDonald's wishes to publish and distribute his complete Bible commentary at cost.  Paper, printing and transport are ever more expensive, but internet can do the job for a free offer worldwide.  The now very famous and popular FREE e-Sword software created by brother Rick Meyers works well in French and we had a small part in getting all it's powerful tools into French.  But, there are very few good French Bible commentaries in e-Sword format.  That means the over 450,000,000 French speaking people in the world are without good Bible commentaries.  There are over 3,000 Bible modules in English among which The Believers Bible Commentary is very popular.  We have just completed all 66 book commentaries either in final form or in a beta version available for free at our website https://cbm2022.wordpress.com/.  (That's a hyperlink you can copy-and-paste into your web browser)  I have chosen to return to individual book commentaries, just as Wm MacDonald originally published them.  That makes each one small enough to download on the smallest cell phone.  Or all 66 book modules can be downloaded in a flash and installed just as quickly into a standard size smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.  Our website includes easy-to-read installation and use instructions in French.  It also includes modules of all the French Bibles available for e-Sword as well as complete Hebrew and Greek texts with their study tools.  We have worked as an international team to adapt the commentaries for France, Canada, Africa and other former French colonies.

     Please pray with us as we work hard to finish and move on to more good Bible books in French.  We have met every week on Zoom, now on Tuesdays.  We start and end with prayer as this is the Lord's work.  It would be a blessing if you would join us at the Throne of Grace at 10h00 Paris time.