Join us for a virtual panel discussion with eight individuals who have experience reaching out to migrants and refugees. Learn how you can minister to the foreigners near you.
Resettlement is a coordinated activity undertaken in partnership with UNHCR, US government agencies, NGOs, and other actors. It includes a variety of specific actions, from identifying refugees in need of resettlement in the field to screening, processing, and reception and integration of the refugees in the United States. Churches and interested groups may partner with NGOs and government agencies to help receive refugees in local areas.

Bridges USA is a network of experienced, qualified and caring people who are committed to welcoming the Afghans who are arriving here in the United States. Bridges USA exists to cut through the confusion of the resettlement process and offer organizational and cultural training to equip volunteers with hearts to serve. If you register (free) and say you are with CMML, you will get access to extended materials.

RefugeKC exists to welcome refugees as our new-American neighbors with Gospel-focused ministries of mercy so they might know, love, and follow Jesus into His Kingdom.

Led by the American Bible Society, The Trauma Healing Institute is a group of organizations that are deeply committed to Healing the wounds of trauma and are working collaboratively by coordinating activities and sharing resources and ideas. They use a simple method designed for anyone to use, with simple language and clear ideas that are easy to understand. It works in small groups led by trained facilitators who don’t need to be professional counselors. THI trains and equips people and organizations to put this method into practice themselves in their own work and ministry.

Love New Canadians is a ministry that equips local churches to serve new Canadians in their neighborhoods and to be intentionally welcoming to immigrants. They equip local churches to do demographic research to understand the immigrants in their neighborhoods, create settlement programming to help new Canadians adapt well here in Canada, and then help those immigrants connect with mature believers in churches who will show them the love of Christ through a "Bridges" class that provides a gentle and non-threatening introduction to the life and teaching of Jesus.

ROCK International produces multi-language audio, video, digital, and printed chronological Gospel and discipleship tools that clarify God’s story and message for people of all ages and worldviews. ROCK’s content is used in radio, television, internet, social media, and distribution initiatives worldwide. Their most popular and effective tool is King of Glory.

Worldview Rethink is a course that any believer can lead. Using self-taught instructions, a leader can take someone who has no knowledge of the Bible and give them the foundation and context necessary to have a clear and objective understanding of the gospel message. In no more than 16 hours, a person can learn the biblical worldview.
There are three curricula: Eastern worldview, Christianized worldview, and Islamic worldview
Your selection depends on the worldview of the student or group that you are leading. Each worldview is sensitive to the students' questions, providing objective and clear answers that naturally arise from that way of thinking.

Written for a secular worldview, No Ordinary Story” is a boxed series of eight booklets by John R. Cross that takes a reader through the Bible from creation to Christ, addressing the secular worldview with the uncompromising message of the gospel. Whether Gen Z, Millennial, or Baby Boomer, this series' short chapters and small size make it easy for those who prefer to learn in small bites.

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes represent an opportunity for churches to serve international communities and refugees. Crescent Project can help your church get started! They have a dedicated team with decades of experience in ESL ministry who can help coach and direct you to resources as you plan your own ESL ministry.

Dear Muslim Friend seeks to answer the basic questions Muslims are commonly asking about Christianity. These include:
- Hasn't the Bible been changed?
- How could Isa [Jesus] be the Son of God?
- Didn't someone else die on the cross instead of Isa [Jesus]?
Misunderstanding of these and related issues continue to feed the misconception that clouds East and West relations. This book is designed to provide answers in an easily-understood format. More importantly, it sheds light on God's truth regarding the salvation God offers to all people.

This website contains all of the Jesus Film ministry tools, strategies, and media! With translations of the "JESUS" film in more than 1,800 languages and a growing library of movies and short films, you can experience and share the story of the Gospel anywhere with anyone.

A comprehensive website dedicated to respectfully explaining the Christian faith to Muslims.

Written by Jabe Nicholson Jr., Seed Thoughts Daily Devotional is intended to encourage and equip those already in the field and inspire the rest of us to join them in the happy harvest. The book includes: Remarkable testimonies, Explanations of gospel concepts, Answers to frequently asked questions, Stories of real-life witnessing opportunities, Encouragements and tips for sharing the Gospel, a Daily Reading Scheme, and 365 Great Gospel Verses to Memorize