Missionary Prayer Handbook

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The Missionary Prayer Handbook is a vital tool for prayer and communication!

The 2025 Missionary Prayer Handbook features 36 new missionaries and one new country listing. The MPH lists more than 750 missionaries commended from local churches in the US and Canada and includes their contact information and a description of their ministries. 

The 2025 Missionary Prayer Handbook will become available in late December.

In 2025, CMML will send one FREE copy of the 2025 Missionary Prayer Handbook to all donors who made a donation of any kind in 2024. Additional copies, and copies ordered apart from this special offer, may be purchased here. 

1–9 copies: $7.00 each (includes shipping)
10–24 copies: $6.50 each (includes shipping)
25+ copies: $6.00 each (includes shipping)


Use the 2025 Missionary Prayer Handbook to pray daily that the Lord of the harvest will send laborers to reach 31 of South Asia's largest and most unreached people groups. 

2025 UPG


Reaching South Asia

Of the 17,260 people groups worldwide, 3,806 are located in South Asia. However, 91 percent of these remain unreached; the Gospel has not taken root and spread among them because they lack Indigenous communities of Christians equipped to evangelize without outside assistance. 

The book is divided by geographic region, country, and missionary profile. Countries are listed alphabetically within their color-coded regions.
Each missionary profile contains contact and commendation information and a ministry description. When applicable, profiles also include family details.
Non-Traditional Ministry
Senior missionaries listed as "refocused" have spent 10 years or more serving on the foreign field. For various reasons, they no longer serve full time, but many are still engaged in the Lord's work. These missionaries are listed within the country where they served.
Content Pairing
Missions magazine’s “Connections” section correlates to the MPH, so you can read recent updates from missionaries to inform your daily prayer. New missionary additions and other updates to the MPH are published in the “Keeping in Touch” section of Missions magazine.
About the Missionary Prayer Handbook