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The Gospel is for everyone. But how do we reconcile the fact that billions living today have yet to hear the Good News?
The 2023 Fall Conference featured a renewed focus on the world’s Unreached People Groups, an opportunity to learn about and pray for those who have the least access to the Gospel, and a challenge to participate in the efforts to reach the unreached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

An Interactive Hybrid Event
Speakers: Jerry Mattix, Steve Caldwell, and Steve Price
Theme: ALL IN: Whole Hearts. Willing Minds

Last year, CMML celebrated its 100th anniversary, and now, in our 101st year, we want to renew our understanding of and commitment to the biblical foundations of the Great Commission. In this conference, we will consider the truths in God’s Word that lay the groundwork for our responsibility in Christ’s gospel mission today and explore our individual roles.

An interactive hybrid event connecting youth across the nation featuring speakers Scott DeGroff, Micah Williams, and Micah Tuttle speaking on the theme "Forward with Christ."

CMML's first hybrid conference featured three keynote speakers, 18 missionary reports, Zoom Q&A sessions, and the worldwide premiere of CMML's 100th-anniversary production, Compelled: A Century of Faith, Love, and Sacrifice.
“MISSION2022” is a call to all believers to be part of Christ’s mission today. As we enter the next chapter of North American assembly missions, let’s rekindle our passion for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting worldwide. Let's celebrate the past, understand our present, and move forward under Christ’s leadership as He builds His church globally.
Watch the entire conference start-to-finish, or as individual videos, on-demand now!

We launched our 100th-anniversary celebrations at our first-ever virtual fall conference. Watch the full 50th Annual Fall Conference, "Where Do We Go From Here?" on demand now!

When Paul wrote, “The things you have heard from me, entrust to faithful men, who will teach others also,” he set before us the urgent need to mentor future leaders for Christ’s church. This conference will challenge us to take up an intentional mentoring and discipleship ministry in order to “equip every generation.” Watch the full conference on-demand!