Distributions from this fund are made monthly to where the needs are greatest. The Lord often uses these funds to bless missionaries in a particular month when regular support might be lacking.

On February 6, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Turkey and Syria, causing mass destruction. Believers in Turkey are organizing relief efforts aimed at helping shelter the homeless and providing basic needs. This fund provides relief for those impacted by the recent earthquake.

In the event of a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, this fund provides immediate assistance for those in need. CMML's disaster relief ministry focuses on disasters occurring outside of the US.

The Missionary Kids' Education Assistance Fund was established in 1968. Disbursements from this fund help defray the educational expenses of missionaries' children through high school.

According to Wycliffe, “1.51 billion people, speaking 6661 languages, do not have a full Bible in their first language.” This fund assists those working on translations of the Bible and Scriptural resources worldwide.

CMML is working with missionaries in countries surrounding Ukraine who are participating in relief efforts. Funds given to this account will be used to aid in these ministries.

This fund is used to specifically provide funding for missionaries and projects seeking to share the Gospel with unreached people groups worldwide. Due to the difficulty and risks of accessing these groups, many missionaries must remain anonymous, sometimes limiting donations to their ministry.

Disbursements from the Widows and Refocused Missionaries fund provide for widows or widowers and those who are no longer able to serve full-time on the foreign mission field.

This fund provides assistance to missionaries when they need to evacuate the field due to an emergency.