Missions Training Recommendations

CMML does not direct workers or the assemblies that send them. However, we strongly urge all who are considering overseas missions to consider participating in the below training recommendations. 

Training should be refreshed every three years. We also strongly encourage active missionaries to continually update and expand their security, ministry, skills, resilience-building, and basic medical training.

CMML is available to help assemblies and missionaries implement this training. Missionaries should contact Phil Parsons at [email protected]. Assemblies and potential missionaries should contact Craig Fritchey at [email protected].

Missions Orientation Program
Held annually on the first week in June, MOP seeks to better prepare those considering the mission field or recently commended to missionary work overseas by providing essential training in vital areas of cross-cultural life and ministry.

Mission Training International: Compass Program
Learn what you need to know to navigate make-or-break issues faced by cross-cultural messengers of the gospel.
Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson education course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose. The course examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or “perspectives”— Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic.
Galilee Program
The Galilee Program is a seminar-style, discipleship-based three-week course of biblical studies and practical instruction for Christians, ages 20 to 35, who are committed to Christ, His service, and their local church.
Mission Training and Skill Building




Emmaus Bible College
Emmaus Bible College is an accredited four-year private college located in Dubuque, Iowa. Emmaus combines Christ-centered education, uncompromised biblical teaching, and valuable professional degrees.
The Discipleship Intern Training Program
The DITP is designed to provide specialized training for believers who sense God’s call to service in the local church as elders, teachers, preachers, evangelists, or missionaries.

The Ezekiel Project
The Ezekiel Project trains and equips Christians in clear, simple evangelism methods through one-week training seminars and the Ezekiel Project School of Evangelism (TEPSE).

Biblical Eldership Resources
BER promotes biblical eldership by providing teaching, resources, training, and mentoring for current and future church leaders who will implement, practice, teach, and train others in biblical eldership as the model for church leadership.
Ministry Training




Crisis Consulting International
CCI is the premier provider of security and crisis management services to the international Christian aid, humanitarian, and sending community and offers a number of standardized crisis and security training programs.
Concilium is dedicated to helping Christian missionaries, humanitarians, and other Gospel workers build stewardship and resilience into Great Commission obedience. Concilium equips, trains, and empowers Christian workers from around the world, empowering both the voice and presence of the Gospel to enter and remain in hard places.
Fort Sherman Academy
Fort Sherman Academy trains and supports individuals, churches, and sending organizations in faith-based security and risk management. We assist in the furtherance of their mission by training them to better avoid, protect, and survive potential or actual adverse events thus allowing them to reach every corner of the globe.
Safety and Security




Equip International Missionary Medicine Intensive
MMI is a two-week course that will equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience you need to diagnose and treat illness and injury in remote locations.
MTI Debrief and Renewal Program
DAR is for active or returning missionaries, and provides a safe and confidential environment to reflect on your missionary service and journey, gain perspective on your time abroad, and process your transition.
Alongside MInistries
Alongside is a Christian retreat center offering professional counseling and shared community, designed to specifically help leaders and missionaries emerge from burnout or breakdown.
Other Training