Norris, John Mark Profile
John Mark Norris

Norris, John Mark

Home Bible Studies
Church planting
Children’s ministry
Iglesia Biblica de Cannon Beach, Cannon Beach, OR in 2023



Born to CMML missionaries Denny and Arlene Norris, I had the tremendous privilege of growing up in Morelia, Michoacán. I was exposed to the gospel message at a young age; however, it was between the ages of 7 and 10 that I truly became aware of my need for a Savior. During this time, I placed my faith in Christ, recognizing that He had paid the penalty for my sins by His substitutionary death on the cross (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4). As I grew up, I became much more aware of my sin, recognizing the magnitude of my helplessness and the overwhelming abundance of God’s grace.

In 2009, my parents relocated to the Oregon Coast to continue working with Hispanics in a cross-cultural context. Moving to the U.S. was a new adventure, one that God sovereignly orchestrated to stimulate spiritual growth.

Fast-forwarding to the recent past – In 2019, I graduated from Portland State University with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical and materials engineering. I worked a year as a process engineer for a printed circuit board manufacturer before relocating to Wilson, Wyoming for a one-year program at Jackson Hole Bible College. That year was life-changing for me, as it redirected my focus towards ministry. I remained at JHBC for two years, serving as a resident assistant for the young men. I will be eternally grateful for the Lord leading me to this amazing institution.

The time has now come for the next chapter of God’s sovereign plan for my life. It is time to return to the land of my upbringing, to bring the light of the gospel to a people enslaved to manmade religion and sin. I will be deploying to the field in November, 2023. Thank you for your prayers!