Lehmann, Monica
Bible teaching in the three local assemblies; Bible correspondence courses to prisoners in 25 facilities.
Blasdell Gospel Chapel , Blasdell , NY, United States in 1955
Warrenville Bible Chapel, Warrenville, IL, United States in 1961
Northgate Bible Chapel, Rochester, NY, United States in 1996
Mailing Address
Iglesia Biblica Emmaus
Carrera 26 # 17-56
Bucaramanga, Colombia
Carrera 26 # 17-56
Bucaramanga, Colombia
Home Phone
Cell Phone
About Us
The Emmaus work continues in Colombia through the office in Bucaramanga, supplying the Bible courses to prisoners in some 25 jails, penitentiaries, and maximum security prisons throughout Colombia. People eager to learn God's word are completing courses and encountering Christ through these vital learning resources.