Malstead, Roger & Yvonne Profile

Malstead, Roger & Yvonne

United States
Mailing Address
811 N. Kansas Street
E. Wenatchee, WA 98802
Home Phone

About Us

Roger was first commended by La Grange Gospel Chapel, Illinois in 1961. He served in Turkey in association with Operation Mobilization for some years. Yvonne his fiancee joined him in 1963 and they were married in Istanbul in 1964. They have four children and twelve grandchildren. Yvonne continues to teach in a number of assemblies and churches in Turkey while Roger is involved in the media. He's completed a 30 minute documentary the trailer for which can be viewed at: "The Jesus Accounts" is dubbed into over 12 languages. His current project is to produce a second similar DVD on the topic "Jesus, the Son of God?" Muslims world wide see 'red' when they hear this term due to their gross misunderstanding. It is our prayer that this will go a long way to make this term clear as well as present a powerful explanation of all that it means.