Parsons, Philip & Mary Profile

Parsons, Philip & Mary

Fifth Avenue Chapel, Belmar, New Jersey, United States in 2022
Mailing Address
3 Sunnylawn Lane
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Cell Phone
Wall Township,

About Us

We were commended to the Lord and the ministry of MK education (missionary kids) by Andover Bible Chapel, MA and Oaklands Chapel, BC in 1985 for two years and then again in 1989. Faith Academy, located in Manila, Philippines, is the largest MK school globally. Phil was the high school principal, and Mary was the athletic nurse and activities coordinator. Our three children, Heather, David, and Valerie, grew up in the Philippines and returned to the US for their college years. In 2006 we left the Philippines, having been invited by CMML to become the host and hostess to missionaries visiting the facilities in Wall Township, NJ. Initially, our responsibilities included overseeing the care of the building and caring for the missionaries. In 2007 Phil added the duties of office administration. Our primary responsibilities now focus on missionary care and missionary safety and security. We visit newly commended missionaries and the leadership of the commending assembly to thoroughly discuss how the ministry of CMML, the sending assembly, and the missionary mesh. Farther afield, we travel to spend time encouraging missionaries in the country where they live and serve.  Phil helps organize and teach at the Missions Orientation Program (MOP) held each June at Greenwood Hills Bible Conference Center, PA. Our three children are married, and we have 12 grandchildren. We fellowship at Fifth Avenue Chapel, Belmar, NJ, where Phil is an elder and Mary enjoys music and ladies' ministries.

CMML Features

Associated Ministries

Missionary Kids Education Assistance Fund
Widows and Refocused Missionaries Fund (WARM)