Sutherland, Craig & Margaret Profile

Sutherland, Craig & Margaret

Bible translation/Literacy
Church planting
Agricultural and community help to Palawan people
Camp Work
Asheville Gospel Chapel, Asheville, NC in 1900
Brookes Point, Palawan,

About Us

Craig was born on Palawan to missionaries, Sandy and Maisie Sutherland who were commended from an assembly in Scotland. Being aware of the many needs of the Palawan people, especially for God's Word in their own language, Craig and Margaret felt called to go there after graduation from Bible college and nursing. Their main focus has been helping the Palawan indigenous people with their spiritual needs through Bible translation, literacy and church planting, as well as physical needs, such as providing them with water filters, mosquito and other parasite prophylaxis, agricultural and livestock helps, and medical helps. However, they are also involved in helping the ministry of some new Palawano assemblies that have been established, as well as the different assemblies started by Craig's father, which include people who have migrated to the southern part of Palawan from other parts of the Philippines, as well as Palawanos. Besides sharing speaking responsibilities in the meetings of the assemblies, and the Christian High School, they are involved in conferences, camp work, and overseeing the teaching of Bible in the public schools.