Our First Mission Trip: An Albanian Assembly Builds Mini-Houses in Turkey
Our First Mission Trip: An Albanian Assembly Builds Mini-Houses in TurkeyBy George Sturm
George and Nancy were both born in Ohio and grew up in mildly religious homes. However, the concept of being “born-again” was totally foreign to them. Gradually sin and the things of the world took control of their lives. They met in 1970, fell in love, and were married in 1972. George graduated from The Ohio State University with a Ph.D. in mathematical statistics and the desire to seek fame and fortune caused them to move to New Jersey where he started his professional career at an AT&T research center. However, God had other plans for their lives and in late 1979 both George and Nancy came to know the Lord and began fellowship at Carter Road Bible Chapel in Princeton, New Jersey. Without question their personal lives and priorities were totally changed. In 1983-84 they attended the Discipleship Intern Training Program in California where even deeper changes occurred. In 1985 they moved to Michigan and helped start a new assembly near Grand Rapids, Fellowship Bible Chapel, where they labored until they were called to the mission field in 1993. During those years in Michigan George taught mathematics and statistics at a local state university and served as an elder in the assembly. In 1993 they were commended to the work of the Lord in the former communistic country of Albania where they were involved in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, translation work, publishing, and Christian radio broadcasting. Since 2013 they have been working in a closed country in Asia. They are blessed with six children. In 2009 Overbrook Gospel Chapel (SC) added their commendation.
By George Sturm