Dobson, Holly
Eaton Wood Grove
Shankill, Dublin 18
Reaching Children and Families with the Gospel
In 2013 the Lord gave me an opportunity to visit Ireland and learn how children were being reached with the Word of God, through monthly Bible study correspondence lessons provided by the National Bible Study Club. I returned in 2014 for 3 months to help with the work.
For a few years leading up to this, I felt the Lord impressing on my heart (through personal devotion times and various messages I heard from Bible teachers) His desire for me to give more of the time He has given me, back to Himself. I didn't know what that would look like, but as I submitted to the Lord's leading and sought godly counsel, He began to bring before me the people and country of Ireland. There were many times I questioned if I was really hearing the Lord or if I was just thinking my own thoughts. But the Lord kept bringing people and circumstances relating to Ireland across my path. Through the circumstances the Lord brought before me, His Word, His peace, and the affirmation of my elders and family I felt the Lord leading me to serve Him in Ireland. In 2015, God opened the door for me to move to Ireland to work with the National Bible Study Club full time.
I continue to be involved with the administration of the National Bible Study Club children’s correspondence courses as well as children’s clubs, camps, and helping with the Sunday school and youth group at the church. Another ministry I assist with is Scripture Text Posters which seeks to display verses of Scripture around the country on public transport and other public advertising spaces. Scripture Text Posters offer a free New Testament and Bible study course to those who contact us.
The Lord continues to amaze me in the ways He shows His faithfulness. His mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness is great! I would value your prayers for wisdom as I seek to continue to follow His leading and be a part of His work here in Ireland.