CT News March 2024

March 2024

Dear praying family!

We have a great assortment of pictures with more news here

What a privilege it was to conclude the month of March with an assembly family retreat and speak on Easter Sunday about our Lord’s glorious resurrection. Through the protagonists of the narrative in John 20 we find ourselves reflected when we want to press on with life overwhelmed with our broken dreams. What a hopeless way to see the horizon. Friday can only be good because Sunday is coming. And when He shows Himself resurrected in us, He changes our chaos into order (disciples), to our aimless passion He injects direction (women), our weakness He transforms into strength (Mary), and our disappointment He turns into opportunities (“Go & Say”—everyone). May His resurrection power continue to flow in us and through us every day of our lives. He is Risen!

It's a joy for us to look in retrospect and report to you all the goodness of our God manifested in our lives through faces and circumstances connected to precious souls. We rejoiced to stand in front of hundreds of people on the opening day of the Elliot Christian School and see scores of smiley and excited faces ready to listen to what God wants from them. We pray that as school days unfold and the telling of the God News gets wrapped up with their regular subjects, they’ll want to welcome Jesus into their hearts and through it be able to touch their families at home. This is the plan executed year after year!

The Hogar de Esperanza children also went back to school! You’ll love to see most of them happy in their school uniforms and eager to hit the classroom. A couple of them accentuated their academic struggle during the summer. Most likely they’ll need to stay back a grade level to have peace of mind and get their confidence back. We realize it’s hard to keep up with their academic needs as we have been lacking a full-time educator on site. Your prayers are needed as we extend this job opportunity to the churches!

Thank you for praying for safety and the Lord’s care as we hosted our first missions team of 2024! The folks from Williston, ND did a great job. They came well prepared to teach, preach, work with the children, and do anything they were asked to do.

There is much more for you to browse and read in our pictorial report… make sure you spot our son Timothy celebrating his 8th birthday. Thankful for him and his 5th April as a CT!

Coming up…

April 7, speaking north from us in Chiclín. We are aiming to ignite more commitment to Christian service in a dwindling assembly.

April 20, third lesson in a series to the men in the assembly. Our text, 1 Cor 16:13-14.

April 21-25, Pablo and three of our workers from Hogar de Esperanza will be in Medellin, Colombia for the second leg of TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) training.

April 22, our second oldest will be turning 19! Please pray for Hannah and this decisive year in school prospects for next year.

April 26, speaking to couples from the Elliot School—mostly nonbelievers. We were assigned two themes and need your prayers while preparing them: God, the center of my marriage, and Sexuality, a key component of a Christian marriage.

He is Risen!

Pablo & Sarah CT