April Update

Dear praying friends,

We are grateful for the many who pray for the Lord’s work and His servants across the globe. We are encouraged by those who participated in the North American week of prayer and we continue to pray that God will raise up more prayer warriors.

Prayer is an essential part of the work and I am writing this email to ask you to pray.

On Monday (Apr. 29) Peter and I, along with 4 young men, will be traveling to the middle of the country (about 11 hours away) to minister among the Wataturu and Wasukuma tribes where Peter has planted 2 small churches in the past 5 or 6 years. We plan to spend 8 days among them teaching the young believers, spreading the good news door to door, and showing evangelistic films. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare hearts, and that Christ’s kingdom will advance and Satan’s strongholds be defeated in that dark place. We depend on your prayers for us, dear brothers and sisters.

For the month of April we did a good bit of traveling as a family. Emily came home from RVA (boarding school) and Esther went to Mozambique for 2 weeks, to be with her friend Victoria and her family who serve in that country. Meanwhile, we went to Dodoma (14 hours by bus) to attend a joint conference with the German brethren missionaries who are working in the Southern part of Tanzania. We praise God for safety on the trip and for a good conference.

We then continued on by bus to Dar Es Salaam. While there we had an Embassy appointment for passport renewal and waited for Esther to come from Mozambique. Then we all flew back to Kigoma to spend 1 week at home, before driving to Burundi to visit Luke’s 2 brothers and their families so the kids could see the cousins. From there, Esther and Emily flew back to Kenya with 2 of their cousins to go back to school.

On Monday we will begin our second term of the discipleship school. Ahadi will be teaching about angels and demons. We still have 10 students. Please pray for them as many of them have challenging home situations.

In the middle of May we will have 5 days of teaching and meetings for the church elders in our 3 western regions. I will be teaching on revival. Please pray for the Spirit’s anointing on these messages. We long to see the Tanzanian church wake up to the needs around them and begin to equip, send and support national missionaries.

There is more we could say but this email is already long enough, so we’ll just ask you one more time, to PRAY.

May God’s grace abound to you,

Luke and Gina Johnson

Conference group photo