Latest News - July 2021

The complicated world of Covid-19 continues. This has had the biggest impact in the area of travel. We have had to do a lot of ministry via the computer rather than in person. This has impacted church at times, but consistently in respect to Cor Deo, teaching at Union School of Theology, speaking at the European Leadership Forum, and various other speaking engagements too. Our local church involvement has been much more in person and we are thankful for that. While many local churches have chosen to move online and remain closed for months beyond the government requirement to do so, we have been blessed to be in a church that has wanted to keep meeting. Obviously, some have chosen to watch online, but we are grateful for the in-person fellowship that has been possible over these months. As a family, we are in a busy summer with our eldest back from university in Oregon, and our second daughter planning to leave for a year with OM on the Logos Hope, before then transitioning to Bible College next summer. We are also trying to plan an overdue visit to the USA for later in the year. It has never felt so complicated to plan travel before! If things do work out, we will be spending time in Oregon, along with brief visits to Montana and Illinois. Thank you for praying for us!