Update Summer 2021

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them...”

Eugene, Oregon, September, 2021.

Beloved ones,
Thank you so very much for all your prayer support during June, July and August. Ambar, Josie(both age 17), and I were involved in CYIA (Christian Youth in Action), a summer program that trains teens to share the gospel with children in 5 day Good News clubs and camps, sponsored by CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship). We can’t thank God enough for the privilege of serving and seeing the precious things He has done in and through us!

CYIA- June 19-25, Aldersgate Conference Center. For seven days in Turner, Oregon, 56 teens received training and spiritual encouragement to serve Jesus Christ ministering to children, and to develop skills to share their faith with others under the loving care, supervision and expertise of CEF staff, and volunteers. Ambar, Josie and I were part of the same cabin, but not the same team. Each morning started at 6:30am and ended at 10:30pm (usually ;) ), with cabin devotions.

Sequoia Girls Cabin: Introducing 3 counselors and 10 counselees, most of them age 17. Ambar & Josie

Kassie, Annidene & I

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Cabin evening devotions, sharing & praying .... Classes by Level. Four different levels. Josie-Level 2, Ambar-Level 1. Learning and Practicing!

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Worship & Missions. The goal was to raise $ and help CEF in Sri Lanka to start a CYIA program.

Individual Study Time - Twice daily for one hour. 5 Day Club Team practice - One hour daily.

First Day of 5 Day Club. The LORD arranged things beautifully! I was the driver for one of the 12 teams running clubs around Salem, OR. Our host, Yolanda, spoke only Spanish, so I was delighted translating for her and helping. It was her first year hosting a club and she was nervous, but excited to see how God would answer her prayers. Four of her grandchildren attended, and two accepted Christ the very first day: Mia & Zeiden! More grandchildren and friends showed up as the days went by. On Thursday, two more grandchildren believed in Christ as their Savior: Melanie & Ethan! Also, Raul (12), her oldest great-grandchild, and a sweet believer in Christ that recently had been baptized, decided that next year he wants to be a CYIAer!
We praise Jesus for calling these children to Himself. You can just imagine how joyful and thankful Yolanda is! We thank You, LORD Jesus, our Christ, for Your awesome deeds!

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What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus...

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Counseling children for salvation...

Recreation. Every afternoon, after arriving from running their club, the teens and staff have one hour of recreation just before dinner: water slide, tube floating on the river, volleyball, carpet ball, or outside nap (never inside a cabin, haha)... It was fun and relaxing!

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5 Day Club Demonstration. For 80 minutes at the main auditorium, everyday after dinner, the staff runs a club demo so each team member can see how their part may be presented to the children at their own club the next day. This is so good, full of creative ideas, and right before the teens have to go study and prepare for the next day at club.

Evening Fellowship & Bible Challenge. At night at the auditorium after a time of worship, brother Rod Franz would teach all of us the truths of the bible lesson the teens would teach the next day, and challenged of us to meditate and apply the Word of God to our own lives before attempting to teach it to the children. So vital, so beautiful! (videos on YouTube)

The teens were encouraged to write how God has been faithful to them. This is the outcome!

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This whole week truly was a wonderful time of training and growth for the youth! And for us, the staff, how encouraging it is to see young men and women that want to serve Christ through the summer, growing in their skills to present the truths in a fun and simple, yet profound and convicting manner.

Five Day Clubs. After being trained, the teens then go back to their cities to do three or more weeks of service: running 5 Day Good News Clubs hosted by individuals or churches, participating in fairs, or helping at 5 day Camps. The first week, Josie, Ambar and Diego served together in two clubs, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. A few weeks later we hosted a club at my backyard with about 12 children attending. Two of the girls that came seem to have very difficult lives. Father, we ask You to snatch these little ones from darkness and bring them into the Light, Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Josie’s Joys. She writes: In Mathew 18:3 we read: “And he (Jesus) said, ‘Truly I tell you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven’”... By working with children, you realize and understand how much a child needs and desires the Lord. It is so sad that as believers we take so many things for granted. Many of the children I have worked with have extremely difficult lives that, the moment they hear about Jesus and his love for them, they light up. Although not all children will welcome you with joy, you never know which child will. At the club during training camp, I had the privilege of meeting a wonderful 8 year old boy. He would ask tough questions that you don’t hear often, like, “If God created everything, who created God?” When he asked me that, while teaching the Bible lesson, I froze and wasn’t sure how to answer. I told him that we could talk later. After the Bible lesson I went to the back and waited. The boy approached. He was not still at all. I would tell him to sit down, but he wouldn’t. He then asked me the same question. Fortunately, I had a friend who was with me during counseling. Part of his own testimony was that he always asked the very same question. His answer to the boy was, “What does the Bible say?” After talking about that it seemed he understood but still had doubts. I then asked him, “If you die today, where will you go, to heaven or hell?” He looked down and said, “to hell”. I asked him why, and he said it was because he had sinned and still does. An 8 year old boy... I said, “Yes, me too, but God loves you so very much that He made a way”. I told him the gospel and made sure he understood it. As soon as I mentioned God’s love and that trusting in Christ is the way to go to heaven, he calmed down, stopped moving, and sat. He listened the whole time and decided to put his faith in Christ to save him. Seeing his change really opened my eyes to God’s power as we tell the gospel, and helped me realize that everything is in God’s timing and God’s way. It was a unique and encouraging experience that I really enjoyed, and will never forget!

Ambar’s Adventures. In one of the clubs, God lead Ambar to share with a 7 year old girl, Kailyah. This is what Ambar writes: This experience of working with children is something that has greatly impacted my life. It is so beautiful and quite incredible to know that one has the opportunity to share the truth with them, especially with those who have never heard about our Creator and Savior and what He did. They have many questions, and the interest they show in wanting to know and learn and understand is amazing. One of the clubs was very special because, on the second day of club, the hostess told us that the children were waiting for us an hour before the club started. They were very excited for us to arrive, and they welcomed us with smiles. Such beautiful moments! That is when you realize that all the study and all the effort you put into is so worth it. An overly intelligent little girl always came with a smile, and when talking to her one could notice that she did not have an easy life. However, the Lord had prepared her heart, and I had the privilege of explaining the gospel and answering her questions. When I explained how Jesus loves her so much that He died in her place to pay the punishment of her sins, she said, “I love my friends very, very much, but I could not die in their place!”... It is so gratifying and exciting to be ale to share with others this gift that Christ offers us! At the end, this little girl asked me for a Bible, and even though she does not know how to read yet, she told me that she was excited to have the Word of God, and that as soon as she could read, she would read it daily. I want to thank you all for your prayers. It was very encouraging to know that you were supporting us by your intercessions!

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5 Day Good News Day Camp. This year we participated in three different day camps. Everyday starts at around 8:30 am, and ends at around 4:15 pm. The children are in teams by age and there is an exciting all camp contest, usually boys vs. girls. Teams earn points by attendance, good behavior and Scripture memorization. There are excellent teachings through Bible stories, memory verses, review games, songs, outdoors fun, recreational time, crafts, a missionary story and emphasis on a country, and swimming. Lots of fun! My favorite part as a counselor is interviewing/counseling each child on my team, and sharing the Wordless Book with them. This is when you really get to know if they understand the gospel and if they have trusted Christ for salvation. In Lincoln City, there were two children that hardly understood any English. The very first day, as soon as Ambar learned about it, she started translating the Bible stories for them into Spanish. Liam, 8, was not able to do water games, so during that time, Ambar shared with him the Wordless Book. Amazed by the truths, he excitedly placed his faith in Christ. By the end of this time, his little sister, Zoe, 6, approached them, and Liam begged Ambar to tell her the story too. Zoe also understood the gospel and prayed to place her faith in Christ as Savior. Then, before we went home, Liam asked Ambar if she could write the story and verses on a paper so they could share it with their Mom that night! We were able to give him some tracks in Spanish. Later that week, when I interviewed Liam, it was very clear that he had placed his faith in Christ. He told me he wished he could have a Bible with one page in English and one in Spanish, so he could learn to read both. At the end of the week, Marisol, their mom, approached me with teary eyes to thank us for sharing Christ with her children. Four years ago, before coming to live in the USA, she had trusted Christ as Savior in her hometown, Tijuana, Mexico, but did not know how to share it with her children. She said that now she is encouraged to stop working on Sundays and start going with her children to church! When I came home, I had a bilingual Bible and sent it to Liam. Marisol sent a sweet text thanking us for it, and saying that Liam was “trembling with emotion and happiness”!

Awww! What an exciting summer it was! God gave us the privilege of leading even more children to Christ! Amazing love, amazing grace, amazing God! I could go on telling you more sweet and encouraging stories of Tim, and Evan, Cheyene and little Jay, and Jesse...; but also some concerning stories in the lives of Elias, Payton, Natali and Hudsen... Lord Jesus, You know these precious souls. You have called some of them to Yourself. Guard their hearts and give them growth in Christ. And we pray for those that have heard, and not yet trusted, that You would soften their hearts so that they be saved. We also ask You to open the opportunity to have Good News Clubs and Release Time Classes as this school year begins. May we find favor before the principals, school staff, teachers and parents, so they help to make it happen, for Your glory!

Family Camp. September 16-19. Father, we thank You for the opportunity You are providing to have Family Camp with the believers from the five Hispanic churches in Oregon. We pray for Your protection from COVID and fires, and safety as we all travel. With supplication we ask that You soften our hearts and make them ready for the teaching of Your Word by Your servants coming from Mexico. We pray that You prepare us for the Second Coming of Your Son, our loving Savior. Oh, LORD, Bring revival to Your church here in Oregon, we pray.

Girls’ MiniCamp. October 15-17. Lord Jesus, thank You for again providing a place for the Girls MiniCamp, and the teachings that Arlene Norris is preparing. We ask You to help us organize each detail according to Your will, and that each of our hearts be tender to receive the important truths on Decision Making and how they impact our lives.

Thank you, beloved ones, for your prayers and your support. We are a team serving Him. In the Love and Care of Jesus Christ, and awaiting excitedly His soon return,

Monica Sernatinger

Summer Ministry 2021