July 2023 Update

Greetings from the Amazon! We returned home from the US on July 13th, after a blessed and full 6+ week trip in the US. We are so thankful for a time of encouragement and catching up with family and friends in the States. 

Joanna’s sister Sarah flew down with us, and is spending a month with our family. The kids absolutely love having auntie Sarah here— in truth, we all do! She’s been a big blessing and help to our family as we resettle into missionary life. 

Last weekend we got to show “Rei da Gloria” (KING of GLORY - ROCK International) on the island where we’ve been ministering. The whole film is nearly 4 hours, so we split it up over three nights, and had a nice turn out each night. Appreciate prayer for the seeds that were sown in the powerful gospel presentation. 

Ezra is continuing Bible studies with a gentleman in São José, and Joanna continues Bible studies with Angelica and Angelina. It’s a real encouragement to see a continued interest and hunger for the Word in these people. 

The work in Crajari continues as well. While we were away, a Christian brother who used to live in the village moved back and lives there almost full-time now. Tavier has been holding services on Sundays when no one else is able to get back there, so we are really thankful for that. Since getting home we are getting back into a routine of trading off each week, going to Crajari one weekend and traveling to a water-access village the next.

Andrew (4) is becoming such a helper— one of his favorite things to do is send Mommy out of a room and make a “surprise” for her by picking up all his toys/putting away his laundry. Philip (3) loves to “read” books, tell himself stories, and he’s learning how to ride a bike without training wheels! Henrietta (16 months) loves to sing, loves to dress up, and she’s learning lots of words in both English and Portuguese. All the kids are happy to be home, though readjusting to the heat and humidity has been a little rough— this is the hottest time of year in the Amazon! There’s also some sickness going around town, which all three of our kiddos seemed to have picked up this past week and a half. 

Please pray:

  • For health and stamina as we readjust to the climate and get back into ministry
  • For the ministry in the island villages and in Crajari
  • For those with whom we are doing weekly Bible studies
  • For us parents in the raising of our children
  • That we would give thanks in everything, since that is God’s will in Christ Jesus for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

We love you all so much! God bless you for your prayers and love. 

Love, Ezra and Joanna, Andrew, Philip, and Henrietta