May 2019

The Lord continues to expand the reach of the media ministry. After moving to Senegal in 1981, Carol and I had to wait seven years before we saw the first Muslim turn to Christ. But today we receive daily emails from people around the world who are touched by THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 100-program radio series (produced first in 1992 for the Wolof of Senegal) and/or by the KING of GLORY movie (now in 30+ languages On YouTube alone, every single day, visitors watch an average of 150+ hours of this creation-to-Christ-to-new-creation movie in their heart language. Pray! TransWorld Radio also transmits the movie and radio series. TWR’s West African director recently wrote: “More than 10 years ago, TWR began broadcasting 'The Way of Righteousness' to the Mossi-Moore people, and we are seeing lasting fruit from it. We receive calls from listeners in isolated areas. In Ghana, a group of 100 people have formed as a church with 10 other cell groups becoming churches as well. In Burkina Faso, 7 groups are listening to the radio programs and meeting together. In the Ivory Coast, coffee and cocoa plantation workers are turning to Christ and a church group has been formed.” This month ROCK International released a 16-language DVD version of KING of GLORY, which covers half of the world’s population. Pray for its distribution. Recently, a church leader in Uganda wrote, “This is my favourite Christian movie. I use it to train others and through it many have come to really understand the Word of God. My family and children like to watch it almost every day.”