News From Zambia--1 November 2023

Dear Partner in Service,

Greetings from a very hot Zambia! The Frangipani trees are beginning to blossom so we know that the rains are on the way. We had a few hours of rain every couple of evenings for the last two weeks which was refreshing, until the humidity caused by the cold rain hit the hot ground creating a heavy fog. This is God’s way of reminding farmers to begin preparing for the planting in about 6 weeks.

The Zambia Meteorological Department sent out this warning:

Zambia has continued to record high temperatures ranging between 37°C and 42°C (98.6º to 107ºF) due to a deep low-pressure system that is currently positioned over southern Zambia. These high temperatures are expected to continue up to 31st October 2023. The general public is, therefore, advised to keep cool and drink a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration.

With the heat comes depression among many of the aged and even young students. Almost none of the houses or schools have any form of air-conditioning (We have fans in every room) and sleeping is often a challenge. Drinking water is a way of life for us, but it is not a habit that many Zambians follow so dehydration is a real problem. Please pray for our friends here as they cope with this weather!

The heat doesn’t slow us down too much. Five new believers (two men, two young ladies, and one 8-year-old boy) were baptized a few weeks ago and they were happy to “cool down” in the baptism pool at the chapel.

In the Wednesday Bible study series, I am teaching through the Epistle to the Galatians. I finished “The Works of the Flesh” last week and will start with The Fruit of the Spirit next Wednesday.

Sherry’s Thursday Ladies’ Bible study continues. They have been working through a number of issues pertinent to the Christian life. Such topics having been discussed to date are, Compromise; Conscience; Consequences; Guilt; Grief; Hard-Heartedness, Restitution, the Armor of God, and this week, Character. Next time they will be discussing “Childish Things”. There are women attending from many backgrounds, home situations, and faiths including Islam. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. There has been an increase in counseling and discipleship of late. Some are in-person, online, and via WhatsApp conference call. Pray for Sherry as she touches the lives of those needing solace and direction.

Sherry is also participating in an online bible study for ladies in the eastern USA on Tuesday afternoon (our time). They are considering the teachings of 1, 2, and 3 John. Sherry will be presenting the lessons on 2 and 3 John. Zoom has opened many doors for us to work around the globe!

I have a new student in the discipleship study. He has finished the first book and is eagerly “devouring” the lesson material. He comes from a denominational background and has had to “unlearn” some things that just aren’t in the Bible. He has been very receptive to this process.

Recently, the Mobile Mission Maintenance International Alliance (MMM) representatives arrived from Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South Africa to Zambia. They have been instrumental in helping the Bible Institute and vocational training center here stay alive through the challenges of COVID and ever-changing government restrictions. In other parts of the world MMM repairs and refurbishes churches, youth camps, and other ministry facilities. Only Zambia has an actual training center and Bible institute. It will be great to let them see first-hand how the campus has been prepared for classes in a few months!

One personal prayer request. In early 2021 I slipped on the pavement at the chapel while doing some yardwork there and landed rather unceremoniously on my back. This was during the COVID lockdown so even getting a proper X-ray or MRI was a problem. After getting to South Africa about 18 months ago we were told that my L4 and L5 vertebrae compressed the disk into my spinal nerve. The pain has been “controlled” with physiotherapy and medication, but I do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life, so the doctor has scheduled me for Lumbar Discectomy and Fusion on 8 November. I would appreciate your prayers. This should relieve the pain and keep me from a “walking stick” in the future.

We sincerely appreciate your partnership through your prayers and financial support. May the Lord richly bless!

In His service,

Patrick & Sherry