Patrick's Back Surgery Update/Ministry Updates--15 November 2023

November 15, 2023

Dear Partner in Service,

I had back surgery on the 8th of November in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The surgeon, Dr Ncumisa Jilata, removed the disc between L4-L5 and replaced it with a synthetic disc. Then, she performed a laminectomy (removal of part of the vertebral bone to ease pressure on the nerve roots) at L4-S1 which was the cause of the pain in my leg, buzzing in the foot, cramping, and the burning in the shin area. (I am learning more about my spine every day!)

Now it is a matter of healing and that requires physiotherapy. I will need to remain in South Africa for another two weeks so that I can see the surgeon for regular reviews and avoid flying until my body has settled and fusion begins to take place with the disc, screws, rod, and a cage to replace the damaged disc.

I have just finished my morning physio session; two full pages of instructions. There will be another session this evening.

Meanwhile, I am still busy! Yesterday I conducted a 30-minute training session via Zoom. I am not allowed (by the surgeon) to sit so the session was conducted as I reclined in a reclining chair. She said I can sit for a few minutes at a time in about 4 weeks! I have another class this evening. Fortunately, the trainees don’t mind that I am reclining almost flat on my back.

Because of the technology of today, I am not only teaching in small groups but also answering questions from various believers via WhatsApp and Microsoft Messenger. I may be “down” but I am certainly not “out.”

I deeply appreciate your prayers. As Dr Jilata admitted, she does what she can, but God brings the healing. We are fortunate indeed to have this quality of medical expertise near enough to us that we can take advantage. That said, l am following her instructions as well as the PT routine. To the letter

Back on the home front, Sherry continues with her various programs of Women's Bible studies, counseling, marking exams, chatting with youth, community service, and manning the Christian Resource Centre.

In between, she is raising four kittens who will soon depart to their forever homes.

A number of the young Christians, who are beneficiaries of scholarships to college through a fund that we maintain, have touched base over the last week. Some have started their final exams (this being the end of the academic year in this part of the world) while others have sat for their mock exams and finals set for the week of 11 December. Please pray for the young people as they study and develop life skills that will propel them forward in their lives to be productive Christians in their communities and local churches.

A number of major storms hit Luanshya over the last two weeks, including some flooding. There has been damage to churches, homes, schools, and health clinics. We are grateful for those who have supported the fund that caters to such disasters, particularly during this time of the year when the rains have started and will continue over the next four to five months. Having a ready facility whereby we can jump into action is a true blessing from the Lord.

Finally, we are similarly grateful to those who have supported the pharmacy fund. There are many believers who can barely put food on their table, never mind buying medication for ailments such as malaria, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the list goes on. Once again, having such funds readily available and an agreement with the local pharmacist, we are able to provide help where needed and when needed.

In His service,

Patrick & Sherry