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CMML Staff
Aug 12, 2024

Tim and Joy Beer are the newest addition to CMML’s Missionary Care team

tim n joy

We are pleased to announce Tim and Joy Beer as the newest addition to CMML’s Missionary Care team. They will work alongside Phil and Mary Parsons and Jim and Sharon Fleming to care for the missionaries around the globe that we have the privilege of serving.

Tim and Joy are commended from Ardsley Bible Chapel in Ardsley, Pennsylvania, and the Crawley assembly in England. They have served the Lord in Zambia for 25 years. Their work has included the many spiritual opportunities and practical needs required to run the Loloma Mission Hospital, village outreach, ministry to local assemblies, a village to care for the unwanted elderly people, the church-managed boarding school at Kayombo, and mentoring local African believers in these ministries to serve the Lord.

We believe that Tim and Joy’s experience in the African mission fields and love for those serving worldwide qualify them to follow God’s call to join CMML’s Missionary Care team. They began serving in this role on August 1.

Please join us in praying that the Lord will use them mightily to advance the spread of the Gospel globally by encouraging, equipping, and caring for those engaged on the front lines.