26 Below

Northeast 26 Below 2023

High School, College, and Career Weekend Retreat


106 Downey Rd
Speculator, NY 12164
United States


Early Bird Price: $185 per person
Register by November 23, 2022

Regular Price: $195 per person
Registration closes January 2, 2023


26 Below
Breakout Sessions
Northeast 26 Below

For 15 years, CMML has hosted the Northeast 26 Below High School, College, and Career Winter Retreat at Camp-of-the-Woods in Speculator, New York. The goal is to challenge the next generation in their walk with the Lord through powerful messages from God’s Word, interactive breakout sessions, and special opportunities to hear from missionaries serving all over the world. 

Who Can Attend?

26 Below is geared for young people in high school, college, and entering into their career up to about age 26. 

Under 18

Attendees must be at least 14 years old and in 9th grade to attend 26 Below. Anyone under 18 years of age may only attend as part of a youth group or with an adult leader over the age of 22 and must arrive and depart with an adult leader. No one under the age of 18 may be dropped off at the retreat by someone who is not attending. 

Youth Leaders

Youth leaders must be over 22 years old. Groups must provide a youth leader of the same gender for every EIGHT minors. Youth Leaders are responsible for the health, safety, obedience, attendance, and spiritual well-being of their youth group. 

Over 18

While this retreat is geared towards those age 26 and below, we do not have an upper age limit. We ask that those over 30 attend as youth leaders if possible. Attendees over 18 are responsible for themselves. This includes transportation, health and safety, and adherence to rules.

Retreat Activities
  • Messages from God’s Word

  • Breakout sessions

  • Missions Q&A Panel

  • Ice skating and tubing

  • Indoor gymnasiums

  • Climbing wall

  • Indoor pool
  • Skiing, snowboarding, and tubing
    at Oak Mountain Ski Center (additional cost)
Arrival and Directions
  • Arrival Time: Plan to arrive at Camp between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
  • Address: 106 Downey Rd, Speculator, NY 12164
  • NOTE FOR GPS USERS:  Approximately 13 miles from COTW (after you go through the town of Wells, NY and cross the bridge at Lake Algonquin) the GPS may tell you to bear left onto Gilmantown Road.  DO NOT follow these directions, rather stay on Route 30 which will take you directly to COTW.
What to Bring and What NOT to Bring
  • Rooming/Bedding: Each room sleeps 4-7 and has a private bath.  Linens, pillows, and towels are supplied.
  • What to Pack: Warm clothes, Snow boots & extra socks, Bathing suit, Sneakers (for gym), Bible, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap.
  • Dress Code: Please use discretion when choosing clothing. Temperatures can drop below zero! No tank tops or pajamas in common areas.  Girls – NO two-piece bathing suits in the pool. Sneakers must be worn in the gymnasiums. 
  • Prohibited Items:  Possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or illegal items is prohibited. Violators are subject to immediate dismissal and forfeiture of fees.
Emergencies and Damage
  • Medical Emergency: The nearest hospital to Camp is a one-hour drive.  No First Aid Station is available at Camp.  Ambulance service is available through the local town of Lake Pleasant.
  • Damage to Rooms & Property: You are responsible for damages made to Camp’s rooms or property while on the retreat and will be required to pay for any replacement or repair necessary.  All rooms are checked prior to arrival and before dismissal.  There is a $10.00 fee for lost room keys.
Got Questions?

Please call 732-449-8880. You can also email [email protected].