Ministry Report

Sernatinger, Monica Velez de

Evangelism to Hispanics
Women and Children’s Ministry
Creyentes en Cristo, Medford, Oregon, United States in 2009
Mailing Address
87 E 33rd Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Cell Phone
Eugene, Oregon,

His Call to Me

Ever since I was a teenager, I admired the missionaries that were reaching out to my family in my hometown, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. Back then, only my brother and I had responded to Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. About five years later, after college and during postgrad studies in Ashland, Oregon, I was lovingly discipled and mentored. I then understood that Christ had also given me a new life, and I started experiencing the joy of walking in obedience and victory. It was then that the Lord called me to reach out to young ladies. I wanted them to not waste their youth (like I had done), but to find their identity in Christ and be equipped to serve Him. Later, when I got married, my husband Jamie and I were called to serve as missionaries in Puruandiro, Michoacan, Mexico. While there, God granted me the opportunity to continue investing in the lives of young ladies and children. This calling has continued in Eugene as the Lord has graciously brought to my path a core group of young ladies, from different assemblies, that love the Lord and that desire to be mentored. Together we are reaching out to teenage girls. My vision and prayer is that young believers - both men and women - would use their youth and love for Christ to serve Him by reaching out to children with the gospel, and by discipling young believers. 

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